
Below are our prices and some of the itineraries we can put together for you, but they can be changed for your specific needs. Please click on the item for more information.

This comprehensive tour will cover most of the best birding or photographing hotspot in the Gambia. It's gives you the opportunity to see more than half of the bird species listed for the country. Don't miss this rewarding week chance of spectacular birding or photographing with great experience top guide in the Gambia. Booked now

Day 1.

Arrival and transfer to your coastal hotel.

Day 2. Full day around the famous Kotu including an hour canoe trip inn the creek. .Highlights of species hoping to see at Kotu area Giant Kingfisher, Malachite Kingfisher, Blue Breasted Kingfisher, Pied Kingfisher, Northrn Puff Backed Shrike, Northern Crombec, African Silverbill, Black Egret, White Crowned Robin Chat, Oriole Warbler, Brown and Black Cap Babbler, Little Weaver, Golden Tailed Woodpecker, Wattle Plover, African Jacana,Fine Spotted Woodpecker, Wire Tailed Swallow, Beautiful Sunbird, Little Bee eater etc.

DAY 2:

EAST COAST OF GAMBIA FARASUTU FOREST BONTO FOREST. After early morning breakfast in your hotel, we will pick you up at 7:30am and drive to Farasutu forest,13:00pm lunch at Sita Joyeh bar and restaurant, 15:00pm afternoon visit to Bonto forest and Mr Bah photo hide. Some of the highlights of the species hoping to see for the day includes African wood owl,Greyish Eagle, Verreaux's Eagle owl, Pearl spotted owlet, Pygmy Kingfisher, White Spotted flufftail, Green Headed Sunbird, Green Crombec, African Spoonbill, Cardinal woodpecker, Grey-headed Bristlebill ,Leaflove, African Goshawk, Spotted Honeyguide,Klass Cuckoo ,Standard-winged Nightjar, Swallow Tailed Bee eater etc. Overnight your coastal hotel.

DAY 3:

SOUT COASTOFGAMBIA GUNJUR FOREST AND KARTONG WETLAND. After your early breakfast in your hotel, we will pick you up 7:30am and have morning visit to Kartong wetland for couple of hours, drive to Allahein River for an hour boat trip,back to Sitala 14:00pm for lunch and 15:00pm afternoon visit to Gunjur forest. Some of the highlights of the species hoping to see for the day includes White fronted Plover, Carmine Bee eater, Goliath Heron, Blue checked Bee eater, Purple swamped hen,Knob billed Duck, Grey Headed Kingfisher, Common Snipe,Yellow billed Oxpecker, ,African Crake, African Pygmy Goose, Osprey Spur-winged Goose, Yellowbill, Yellow Breasted Apalis,Capuchin Babbler, Yellow White Eye,Red Bellied Paradise Flycatcher, Black shoulder Kite, Starlings etc. Overnight your coastal hotel.

DAY 4:

LEAVING FOR UPCOUNTRY. After early morning breakfast in your hotel, we will pick you up at 7:30am from your hotel,drive through Trans Gambia high way. Packed lunch will be supplied. We will visit several birding hotspot along the way includes Faraba Banta Bush Track, Kampanti Rice Fields . Some of the highlights of the species hoping to see for the day includes Grasshopper Buzzard, Beaudouin's Snake Eagle,Dark Chanting Goshawk, African Hawk Eagle, , Red Shoulder Cuckoo Shrike, Long Crested Eagle, Yellow Pendaline Tit,. Bush Petronia, Warblers, Black Wood Hoopoe, etc. Overnight Tendaba Camp

DAY 5:

After early morning breakfast in the Camp, 7:45am we will drive to Kiang West National Park for the whole morning and 13:00pm back to the Camp for lunch. 15:00pm Afternoon visit to Tendaba Photo Hide and surrounding area. Highlights of the day includes White shoulder Black Tit, Bru Bru Shrike, Brown Rumped Buntung, Green Winged Pytilia, Senegal Batis, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Martial Eagle, Wahlberg's Eagle, Lanner Falcon, Striped Kingfisher, White Crested Helmet Shrike, White Rumped See eater, Rufous Cisticola,Brown Winged Courser, Temmick Courser, Brown Backed woodpecker, Pygmy Sunbird, etc. Overnight Tendaba Camp

DAY 6:

After early breakfast, 8:00am we will have three hours boat trip around the Creek, leave the Camp few minutes after the boat, pack lunch supplied. Several birding stops includes Tendaba Airport Field, Kiang West National Park, Bambakuno Forest. Some of the highlights of species hoping to see for the day includes Spotted Thick-Knee, Brown Rumped Buntung, Vieillot's Barbet, White shoulder Black Tit, Bateleur, Martial Eagle, Lanner Falcon, Senegal Batis ,Bru bru ,Brown Snake Eagle, Bronze-winged Courser, Temmick Courser, Wahlberg's Eagle, Yellow Fronted Tinkerbird,Brown Backed woodpecker, Cisticolas,Sunbirds White Throated Bee eater Yellow billed S⁸tork, White Breasted Comorant,White Backed Night Heron , Goliath Heron,Woolly Necked Stork, African Blue Flycatcher Overnight your coastal hotel.


After early morning breakfast in your hotel, we will pick you up at 7:15am and take you to Brufut Wood 13:00pm lunch lunch at Tanji bar and restaurant and 15:00pm afternoon visit to Tanji bird Reserve and beach Site. Some of the highlights of species hoping to see for the day includes Little Greenbull, Western Bluebill, African Pied Hornbill, Bearded Barbet, Lesser Honeyguide, Fanti Saw Wing,Woodland Kingfisher, Violet Turaco, Greater Painted Snipe, Common Wattle Eye Double Spure Francolin Little Bittern, Black Crake ,Woodland Kingfisher, Giant Kingfisher, African Spoonbill, Little Bee eater, Black Egret,Pearl spotted owlet ,Blue Bellied Roller,Tern and Gulls etc. Overnight your coastal hotel

Click To Enquire For Pricing


Airport transfers, Guide Service, Transport, Accommodation AC rooms for two nights Tendaba Camp Bed and Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch, Boat trip,Water, park entrance fees


Alcoholic ,Soft Drinks and coastal accommodation Bed Breakfast and dinner.

NB: Price can be subject to change depending on the exchange rate on the time of the trip

Booking Terms And Conditions

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